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George sent a copy of this newspaper, The Argus, to Noel with this letter so that Noel could read about the heat wave and bush fires. (1932, January 20). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956), p. 7. Retrieved August 27, 2012, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page487326 |
Mr. N.A. Hughes,
C/o Y.M.C.A. College,
5315 Drexel Avenue,
My dear Noel,
Your letter of the 29th November came to hand while we were at the community camp at Manyung. We are greatly encouraged by the continued good news your letters contain concerning your ability to support yourself so admirably. I wrote you a short letter from the camp which I hope caught the mail which left here about ten days ago.
We had a wonderfully good time at the community camp. In all 34 people were present at this camp, although some of them stayed for a comparatively short period. The majority were there throughout the entire time. The weather was all that we could desire. In fact I do not recall any December-January period for many years when we have had such settled and admirable weather. We only had one cold day in the fortnight we were at Manyung, and the days were not oppressively hot, although on one or two occasions the temperatures reached 95 deg. or 97 deg.
We had a good programme, plenty of sea bathing, excellent food and a company of folk who were out to enjoy themselves. All this combined to make the holiday all that we could desire.
Keith, unfortunately for him, could not come to camp as he was hanging on to his job and could not afford to take any risks by asking for time off. His job is still holding and it looks as if he may have an additional couple of months work. Ruth also was greatly disappointed that she could not come to the camp. They were short handed at the hospital and she had no chance of any holiday. The kiddies had a thoroughly good time as you can well imagine and were frequently in the water three times a day.
You will be surprised at the way they are both growing. Edith is shooting up very rapidly and Joyce is developing into quite a young woman, at least in her own estimation.
There was also a fine lot of honorary work done at the camp, especially in the removal of the 1,000 gallon tank to a new site and its re-erection alongside of the lavatories. Already money has been subscribed towards increasing the lavatory accommodation and providing hot showers. This we expect to put in so as to be ready for the next camping period. The new bunk house has been excellently designed and is most comfortable. Another bunk house is in course of erection. No doubt Kath will be telling you something about the camp in her letters, so that there will be no necessity to cover the same ground.
The Boys' Department camps have gone splendidly and all reports indicate that one of the finest camping periods has been experienced. The programme has been good and the weather has made camping a real delight to the boys.
The Y.M.C.A. Scout Troop also held a camp over the Christmas holidays, so that from first to last we have had 7 different camping periods in the senior and junior departments. There were 60 at the senior camp for Christmas and the New Year, and Mr. Burge was highly delighted with the whole programme.
I was very interested in the picture of International House which you forwarded in your letter. It looks to be a splendid structure and should fill a useful function among the students of Chicago. It is evidently in the same lines of the International House in New York. If you have any other information concerning it I should like to receive it so that I may make a paragraph for Manhood. What is its cost? etc. etc.
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HOTTEST FOR 24 YEARS (1932, January 20). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.: 1848-1956), p. 7. Retrieved August 27, 2012, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4413707 |
I was very interested in hearing of your dinner party on Thanksgiving Day. If you should see Ray Williamson, please give him my regards.
By now you will have begun to realise what a Chicago winter is like. I note what you say about your need of a heavy overcoat, but I am wondering whether you would not be well advised to wear heavier underclothing rather than to purchase a heavier coat. I think the same amount of warmth could be secured in that way, rather than in the other.
Quite a number of people told us that you had sent Christmas cards to them, and I am very glad that you did so.
Thank you for the information concerning the phonograph records. I will check up our records with the list you have provided.
It was very nice of John Cook to send on a small amount to you and to suggest his desire to pay your college expenses. I hope you wrote him telling him that that was not at all necessary, although you appreciated the good will and thoughtfulness of his action.
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BUSH FIRES WORSE. (1932, January 20). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.: 1848-1956), p. 7. Retrieved August 17, 2012, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4413702 |
I have not much in the direction of Association news, as the programme has not yet commenced, apart form some of the gym. classes. We do not anticipate there will be anything much organised during January. We are concentrating upon picnics, river excursions, etc. among the young men. As you know, the Boys' Department will not commence its programme until late February or early March.
We are to have a picnic on Feb. 1st (A.N.A. Day) to Manyung and hope to have a good turn out of Association members.
We closed the year with a deficit of approximately £2700. This was £300 better than we expected so that we feel a little encouraged although the deficit is bad enough in all conscience. It means that we have increased our Bank liabilities by £5000 during the last two years, a position which gives us a great deal of concern.
Mr. Crosby is in Tasmania at present. His father is sinking. We expect any day to hear of news of his death. As you know, Mr. Crosby's father is in his 93rd year, so that his death is to be expected.
Jim. Straton is over from Adelaide, but I have not seen him yet. Conditions in the Adelaide Association are very bad and I should not be surprised if Jim Straton resigns. You will have received the January issue of Manhood, in its reduced form. We were glad to have it in its present condition, although we hate the idea of so many reductions in its pages.
Rex. returned last Saturday, after being away for nearly a fortnight. I understand he leaves again today or tomorrow and is likely to be away for a week to ten days.
We are to have the Senior camp reunion tonight and hope there will be a good turn out of the men.
Mr. Hines is keeping well. Miss Bourchier is away this week, but will be returning next week. Reg. Gray has not been successful in securing a job, but I understand that Jim Gray is not having too good a time in his little music store at Box Hill. We are likely to employ Harold Greenwood as pianist for the gymnasium classes, but that has not yet been definitely decided.
All the folk at home are well, I am happy to say. Mother is looking particularly well, and is much refreshed in body and mind as the result of the holiday. The kiddies will be writing to you again shortly.
We would like to know fuller particulars concerning your work at the Kenwood Church.
How did you get on with your first term's work? Give us details of the subjects you are taking and of the results of your term examinations.
We all unite in warmest love, and hope that you will have a thoroughly happy time in 1932.
Yours affectionately,
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