25 September 2011

No. 11 -- 18 Aug 1931

Mr. N.A. Hughes,
C/o Y.M.C.A. College,
5315 Drexel Avenue,

My dear Noel,

Your letter written just before your arrival at Vancouver together with four pages of diary, reached us a couple of days ago. This completes your journey up to within a day's run of Vancouver.

We were all delighted to hear that you had had such a splendid time at Honolulu and that the folk there had been courteous in their treatment of you both. My own visits to Honolulu have always remained a very vivid memory as I recall he way in which the Association men looked after me during the day spent there.

I was not aware the Mr. Scott and left Honolulu. Presumably the letter I sent to him had been forwarded to America or they would have met you on arrival. However, it was fine to know that Ralph Cole was available to show you some courtesy. I met Cole in 1919 when I passed through San Francisco. He was then State Secretary for Boys' Work in California. He is a first-class fellow and I am glad that you were able to make contact with him.

We were all deeply interested to hear that you had the company of the Honolulu delegation to Vancouver, and presumably you crossed Canada in the same party.

I passed your diary around among a number of the Association staff, so that they might learn of your doings.

I also had a letter from Mr. R. Glen Nixon of Vancouver Association, advising me of your safe arrival, and also informing me of the difficulties you had with the Immigration authorities. You know, I have always feared the possibility of trouble in that direction. I know how stringently America is enforcing her Immigration laws and this made me feel that with your limited capital there might be trouble with them. However, I am glad to learn that it was satisfactorily adjusted.

Mrs. Mackinnon, May Glover's mother, came in the other day and was good enough to let me see a letter May had written to her describing the camp where Clive and she are spending their summer holidays. I suppose you heard from Clive on arrival at Vancouver, and he may have been able to do something for you in connection with a job.

Mr. Nixon mentioned that you would probably visit the Winnipeg Boys' Camp an one or two other camps on your way across Canada. I hope this was possible.

During the Conference at Cleveland, we had a cable appear in our papers here drawing attention to the discussion that occurred at the Conference with regard to war Guilt, and how that the German and French delegates were at loggerheads over this matter.

We are all waiting with a great deal of interest the arrival of you report of the Conferences. You will have received my former letters asking you to send on full reports and copies of any important papers and findings.

There is not a great deal of Association news to pass on to you, apart from the ordinary programme matters. In the Suburban Auxiliaries Effort we are conducting a Queen Carnival with three Queens -- Miss Ruby Davis representing the Junior Dept., Lilian Langham, the Younger Men's Department, and Kath Lilford representing the Senior Department. We expect this to run until the end of September, and hope by this means to secure additional income. The various events in connection with the Suburban Effort have, so far, not proved very remunerative, although we are hoping next month that quite a number of functions will be held and the result may be worthwhile.

Mr. Hines is unfortunately away ill. He was jumping for a tramcar and fell off the car and injured his knee very badly. I do not expect we shall see him at the office for a week or ten days. Mr. Jenner and I went out to see him today and found his leg in a very bruised and sore condition.

Bob Way has also been ill with rheumatics, and George Briggs is at present away with a very heavy bronchial cold.

Alec. Spense, one of our Gym. leaders, has been appointed Physical Work Director at Ballarat, and has taken over his new duties and seems to be giving satisfaction.

I suppose you have heard that Mr. Trainor has received an appointment with the Aspro Company and that he will be severing his official connection with the National work a the end of September. He is giving part time at present, but will relinquish all official connection on the date mentioned. However, we are hoping he will maintain an honorary relationship to the National Committee's work, and in this way his experience will not be lost to the Movement.

Frank Woodcraft leaves this week for New Zealand to help the Wellington and National Committees in financial work. He will probably be away for about three months.

Jim. Straton was over from Adelaide last week, and I had the chance of a long chat with him. Conditions in Adelaide are very "blue". In fact it looks as if either Massey or Straton will have to finish up at the end of the year. Straton was over investigating the possibilities in his father's business in the expectation that he would probably leave Association service temporarily until the depression lifts somewhat.

I have not anything very great to give you as far as the other Associations are concerned. The National Convention will be held in Melbourne, November 21 to 23, when we expect to have a small but necessary convention. With the changed relationships of Frank Trainor, it will be necessary to legislate with regard to the future of the National work, and what plans can be effective for the supervision of the whole field.

Now just a little home news. We are all well at home  I am happy to say. All of us have had heavy colds, but we are alright again. Mother had a few days in bed, but she has completely recovered apart from a few pains which do not distress her overmuch.

Little Edith has started elocution and she is, to quote herself, "having a gorgeous time". She is "thrilled" with her new instruction. Already she is expecting to take part in a concert at the end of the year, when the pupils will display their ability. Joyce looks at her and just simply says one word -- "mad"! Edith is working hard at her pianoforte, as she anticipates sitting for an examination late in the year. She is always startling us with her questions at the table, some of which are absolute posers. The other night while we were having tea, she said "Dad, is it true that God and Jesus and the Holy Ghost are one? How can it be? How can Jesus be his own father?" Of course this was a poser, and Dad had to confess himself stumped!

Joyce will be 14 on the 31st of the month and she is naturally getting excited and wants to know what we are all going to give her. We tell her that times are too hard to give birthday presents. Of course, that doesn't satisfy her.

You will be glad to hear that Rex is still at work. This job seems to be holding better than the others preceding it.

Ruth was home for the weekend. She seems very much interested in her nursing work. I had a talk with Mr. Bennett, the Secretary of the Hospital, the other day and he told me that they were very satisfied with her, that she did her work well and was popular with both nursing staff and the patients. I suppose this means that she will see it through.

The other day I planted two peach, one nectarine, and one orange tree. These will just be about in good bearing by the time you come home! We now have 30 fruit trees in -- so hurry up with your course and come home for a good feed of fruit!

I am enclosing a number of unused American stamps which  I have collected. These might be of some  service to you for postage purposed.

Before I forget it, I must tell you that Harry Joyce left the Association's employ on the 31st July. We made him a presentation and wished him good luck for the future. I don not know whether he has been successful in securing a job so far.

We are all wondering just what is happening to you just now. We hope you have been placed in a job. From all I can hear, there are not too many jobs available in Associations, but I sincerely hope that my friends have been able to help you by providing a post for you.

Rex has not yet been able to dispose of the Amplifier, although we have had one or two fellows along to see it. I should not be surprised if in the end we have to dismantle it and sell the parts separately. I hope this will not be necessary.

I think mother will be writing to you by this mail, and probably one or two other members of the family.

With warm love from us all, and hoping we shall hear soon of you experiences in Canada and U.S.

Affectionately yous,

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