C/o Y.M.C.A. College,
5315 Drexel Avenue,
My dear Noel,
Your letter of January 26th with its supplementary material dated 30th January, came to hand by the last mail. It was read with a great deal of interest. We were all delighted to know that you are still managing to pull along quite satisfactorily.
I was interested in your acknowledgment of my letters!!! I have not checked back the list, but I imagine it must be fairly correct.
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This long paragraph devoted to Noel's involvement in the "playground movement" had me intrigued, so I did more research. I don't know Noel's specific involvement, but the movement to create playgrounds to keep kids off the street started in the 1890s and seems to have still been going in the 1930s in Chicago. It was a movement championed by progressives and social reformers, and with Noel attending a social- service centered college and his involvement in the YMCA, it seems a natural fit for him. My interpretation of this paragraph is that Noel might have had a job running some of the playground programs, and George is worried about the loss of income, so is urging Noel to keep in contact with the parent members so they don't drop the program. For more about the playground movement in Chicago, see this article. Do you know anything about the Playground Movement in Chicago during the 1930s? Or the YMCA's involvement in it? I'd love to hear about it. |
In my last letter I mentioned how necessary it would be to think in terms of the amount you will require to start your next year's College work, with text books and other incidental expenses. Quite a few pounds must be in hand to start the year with.
I hope you will satisfactorily carry out all the tests required when "hell week" comes round, so that your initiation into the Fraternity may be in order.
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All this talk about money had me curious so I did some searching. I thought about inserting images of currency from the 1930s, but instead opted for this video. It's very catchy, plus explains the system of pounds, shillings and pence used in Australia at this time. Enjoy! |
I am greatly encouraged by the fact that you are getting into your stride in your studies and that you are able to cover the work. Don't forget that it doesn't pay to do without sleep for too long. You can maintain that for awhile, but nature after a time asserts itself and when the testing time comes, such as examinations, etc., the mind refuses to work in the normal way.
We note your request for a snap of the family. We will endeavour to send something along, better than the one forwarded in the last mail.
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Too bad the diary has been lost over the years, but this did remind me that I have other treasure related to Noel's crossing of Canada. This post was my initial piece about that crossing, but there is also an updated post with an audio recording I made in 1982of Noel recounting his Canadian crossing. It was originally recorded to cassette tape, but I've digitized it. |
Ruth is keeping quite well apart from a cold which has now practically gone. No ill effects came from the accident, worth talking about. Edith is getting along quite well at school and also in her music and elocution. She is expecting to have a test in music shortly, so as to find out whether she will be fit to take her first examination in May. Joyce has started music again. We felt it wise to leave her to make her own decision in this matter. Whether she will continue it or not remains to be seen.
I am rather amused at your reference to "make them study". I wish to goodness I could have drummed the same thing into your head when you were here! I tried hard to get you to realise that you were taking things far to easily, and trusting to pot luck to get through on the American end. Now you realise how essential it is to have adequate preparation so as to get advanced standing.
All the family read the letter and I also passed on your regards to those mentioned in your letter. Joy is enclosing a letter with this.
Mother is keeping in excellent health and so is Keith. He had a good deal of trouble with his teeth, but that seems to have straightened out alright. Rex Baker left on Sunday for Sydney, where he expects to remain for about three weeks installing some talkie apparatus.
Under separate cover I am sending you a letter which arrived here just about the time the last mail left, and which unfortunately, I forgot to forward at that time. It is from one of your friends, a Czechoslovakian who met you at the conferences. I will acknowledge the letter and will send him a little material on Australia. You should answer it at your first opportunity and thank him for the snapshots, etc. It will be a good thing for you to maintain your contact with him.
You will be glad to learn that we had a very successful weekend for our Business Men's classes at Camp Manyung. Forty-five of them attended and they had a thoroughly happy time. We plan to hold a weekend camp every month during the year. This month we shall have one on the weekend 12th, 13th and 14th March and then the Easter Camp, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th March. Ivor is featuring this in his Physical Department programme throughout the year. Incidentally he is making money which will be turned into new equipment at the camp.
We had a Rotary weekend at Camp Somers last Saturday and Sunday. About 50 Rotarians attended the camp and we had a really happy time together. Next Saturday I am organising a picnic for 40 of the Montague Club boys who will be motored to Eltham by the Rotarians, given refreshments and a good time. This is part of our policy in connection with the Boys' Work Committee of which I am Chairman.
I am enclosing a copy of the Educational Department folder, which will help you to see the new classes we are organising this year. There are others we have in mind for later in the year.
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Y.M.C.A. (1932, February 27). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.: 1848-1956), p. 25. Retrieved January 22, 2013, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4414073 |
Matron is away on holiday in Sydney. Miss Ray is carrying on. The Boys' Department programme commences this week, and we are now getting into our stride for the winter's work.
I have not heard a great deal from America recently, apart from a letter or two from Harry Holmes and Ned Brownell. Mrs. John W. Cook wrote to Mother and gave news concerning Mr. Cook and herself.
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For more about Noel's grades, there will be a future post looking at Noel's transcript from the YMCA College in Chicago. I'll put a link here when I have one. |
Alf. Hines goes on holiday immediately after the Board meeting. Most of the others have had their holiday, so that we shall soon be settling down for the year's work. There will be considerable addition to our Boys' Department membership, especially from the Working Men's college. If we could take them they would be able to send us 300 boys, but on account of the difficulties of fitting that number in on the same day as we have the high school boys present, we cannot take more than half that number.
I must close now. We all unite in warmest love. Kind regards to Clive and his wife.
Yours affectionately,
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